Is coin mineable?

Which coins are mineable?

This site checks which coins are mineable.

The term crypto mining means gaining cryptocurrencies by solving cryptographic equations through the use of computers. This process involves validating data blocks and adding transaction records to a public record (ledger) known as a blockchain

What is mineable?

Mining refers to the process of confirming transactions on the blockchain. Coins are mined with the use of a special software and hardware called miners.

The coins that can be mined will depend on the type of blockchain and mining algorithm employed by the cryptocurrencies.

Which coins are mineable?

Ether can be mined, as it is based on Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus algorithm, which is a mining system that rewards individuals for completing difficult mathematical problems.

Coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum Classic, Raven, Verge, Monero and Zcash are also mineable as they employ PoW algorithms.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses cryptographic techniques to authenticate transactions.

Cryptocurrencies are based on decentralized blockchain technology, meaning that they are not governed by any one central authority. They are independent from traditional banking and come with a number of benefits, including the elimination of fraudsters and transaction fees.